Join us in supporting these programs sponsored by Blythe Elementary PTA!
No time to volunteer during the day? The majority of these programs require planning
that can be done at any time. There are endless possibilities in ways you can help, as easy as sending in Box Tops or asking a local business for a donation on a shopping trip!
We want everyone to feel that they are part of the Blythe Community! Please email
us at pta@Blythepta.com to let us know what interests you.
If you are interested in volunteering at Blythe Elementary, please email the Blythe PTA!
5th Grade Committee (Year-round)
Autism Awareness Month (April)
Birthday Cakes (Year-round)
Blythe Beautification (Year-round)
Book Fair (Sept, Feb, & April)
Box Tops (Year-round)
Business Outreach (Year-round)
Field Day (June)
Fundraising (Year-round)
Men In Blythe (Year-round)
Mother & Son Event (March)
Spirit Wear (Year-round)
Staff Appreciation Week (May)
Student Cultural Programs/Grants (Year-round)
Volunteer Matching/Hospitality (Year-round)